Saturday, January 30, 2010

WHY??? (episode2)


Work for ur FUTURE.....

AS TIME is important for us
in our 20th year life.
we need to appreciate it than others
and we must 100% sure What we are doing now
for our better tomorrow........
which mean our future, our dreams,

our wish to come true approachingly.

FOR working
Of course we must know our time is important
but many of us think in this way
why we want to work Over Time
why we want to waste our time to help our boss
to finish the work...

IF u think in this way
which mean u r not in a good condition for ur future
which mean in rude way U"RE WATSING ur time now
Which i sugguest u better get a JOB which can make
ur dream come true
or else u are wasting time
time u cant even buy
is not like MONEY
Money sometime u can say when ur luck come u can Be A millionare
but TIME is precious
there is no such thing for luck in our life to get our time back
it passed past
never will be the present or future again

IF u work with full force with ur job rite now
u're in a good condition and enjoying and learning
ur future path to the success of ur dreams
by the way of course
u wont say NO to ur BOSS
u only will say YES to ur BOSS
but also in an condition
U must make sure u say yes if getting the precious
oppurtunity to learn tough new experience for ur future.
and must know when u will stop and say NO to ur boss
when come to certain circumstances and time(maybe 3 years or later)
this is wat our chinese(should say Asian Culture) thinking of.....

Moreover, never ever just say YES for 10 years
this is just work like machine
never have planned ...
MACHINE never have planned
that's y we're still handling all the machine
if u work for 10 years and still say yes
this is a WRONG..........

there are ppl who changed 30 jobs A year
because of they dun happy with the job everytime
so this kind of ppl
when they wake up one day
they are an excellent ppl because they
dnno wat they want and they capable of
and suit of and interested in
so one day when they wake up
all the passed experience are helping him shortcut to his success
HOwever the same way with the ppl never wake up
whom are like sickers Lying in the hospital
nvr have a good tomorrow coz they will
feel that tomorrow is an horror... coz they suffering the pain
if they dun want to suffering the pain
should make urself healthy

u are making sure in our 20th year
still studying in the current courses
are making u 100% success to ur career
if not better think of the way out
of making part time job which u are interested in
if not u better get ur interested job
and work for ur future.

Some Of My Friends Might Think,

I am too DEDICATED to my Work,

I might have Missed OUT on some Things,

But I am Living the path of my DREAMS.

written and created by CHIN KHAN KHAN