Friday, May 9, 2008

Tagged by Gilbert~!

然后丟掉一个你最不喜欢的問题,再加上一個自己的問题,仍然組成20个问题给其他8个人,列出其他8个人 需要回答問题人的名字,还要到这8个人的BLOG通知对方[[ 你被点名了 ]]被点名者不得拒绝回答問题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福^^並且所有美好的愿望都会在不久后的将来实现

[ 01 ]最近累吗?
very tired

[ 02 ]对这个游戏有什么感想?
Let myself wake up from the busy-ness...

[ 03 ]最近最快樂的事情是什麽?
My birthday of 2008

[ 04 ]你有知己吗?
Every frens of mine...

[ 05 ]有人跟你讲话时,心一直跳..算是有FEEL吗?
Yes...but not guy la......if is a guy then is an admirable feeling ....not that feel...

[ 06 ]說出點你名的人三個優點玩game时候...
haha....Justise, Passionate and Concentrate

[ 07 ]最難忘的是哪一天呢?
27th April

[ 08 ]愛人和被人愛, 哪一種更幸福?
To me "Xiang Ai" is the most "Xin Fu"...

[ 09 ]你覺得自己是一個怎樣的人?
Innocent, and more....

[ 10 ]如果回到過去, 你最想改變的事情?
Since i was children ...should fall in love in Photography....

[ 11 ]初恋可以永远么?
No...Nothing in the world is forever...except the History is FOREVER...

[ 12 ]最近緊張嗎?為啥?什么问题啦~? this few months time....because I was facing everything NEW and challenging...

[ 13 ]從小到大的夢想是什麽?
Smart and Kind Person

[ 14 ]如果近期内可以休長假, 你最想做什麽事情?
Honeymoon with my Tools to U.S. for photoshooting....and my GF...

[ 15 ]最近最想什么?
Recently I was wondering how to brush up my weak-points....

[ 16 ]最近有沒有掉眼淚? 爲什麽?

[17 ]一起床最想做的事

[ 18 ]承诺可靠吗?

[ 19 ]现在最想做的事情 ?
Go to Class...

[ 20 ]等待是错误吗?怎么说呢。。。
no... it's a test of my patience.